January, 2024

Willard Moore Joins Wilson360 as Chief Technology Officer

GREENVILLE, South Carolina—Wilson360 announced that entrepreneur, software developer, and business consultant Willard Moore has joined the team as chief technology officer and engagement consultant.


“As Wilson360 scales to new heights, Willard brings unique knowledge in interactive media to accelerate our growth,” said Robert Clinkenbeard, Wilson360’s chief executive officer. “Willard’s impressive expertise in gamification technology and how it helps performance will ensure that our organization will continue to offer the widest range of benefits to CEOs seeing high market growth.

Prior to joining Wilson360, Willard served as an engagement strategist and product engineer with Netflix, HorizonPWR, and TruHearing, and is a well-known AI expert with broad experience in gamification, development, and production across all major platforms.

“Technology is no longer just a vital tool. It’s a mindset, a behavior, and increasingly, a lifestyle. People are tech-fluent across generations, and understanding how AI can connect business operations and people with goals, and goals to KPIs is a competitive advantage,” said Willard. “I look forward to working with the Wilson360 team and its green industry clients to improve performance, and provide a fun and engaging way to make that happen.”Willard grew up in Jacksonville, North Carolina, and currently resides in Snowflake, Arizona. “Home is not a fixed concept when you’ve grown up in a U.S. Marine Corps family,” he says. “You get to live in different places, and mix with different cultures and people from different backgrounds all over the world,” he says. Of all his over-achievements, Willard says he is most proud of being an Eagle Scout and serving in Paraguay as a full-time missionary with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He is fluent in Spanish.


About Wilson360

Wilson360 is a full-service strategy and business management consulting firm, headquartered in Greenville, South Carolina with affiliated offices across the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.  Wilson360 works with landscape industry CEOs and business leaders on innovation, M&A, technology, and customer-focused growth.


Get in touch with Willard at: Willard@wilson-360.com

Follow him on: Willard Moore LinkedIn