September, 2024

Refuse to Settle: Your Year-End Sprint Starts Now!

by Robert Clinkenbeard

Every year, we see the same familiar pattern. You kick off January with bold ambitions and laser-focused goals—revenue targets, profit margins, and personal milestones all carefully laid out. Things feel great. Then, the “Spring Rush” hits. The whirlwind of projects, client demands, and daily fires that need extinguishing throws you off course. Before you know it, summer arrives, and when you finally come up for air, you realize you’re not on track. You’ve fallen behind on those ambitious goals, and suddenly the year feels “average.”

It’s a frustrating pattern, one I’ve seen repeatedly. Business owners and leaders set the bar high initially, only to lose momentum. Feeling like it’s too late to recover as fall approaches, they begin to mentally prepare for an “average” year.

Strategies to Power Through the Final Quarter

But is it too late? Not at all. As you gear up for the year-end sprint, consider these targeted strategies to maximize your performance:

  • Prioritize Key Objectives: Focus intensely on the three most impactful goals that promise the highest returns for your efforts.
  • Adjust Your Budgets: Review your financial standing and reallocate resources to critical areas.
  • Enhance Team Communication: Keep your team in the loop with regular updates.
  • Embrace Technology: Leverage technology to optimize operations, whether by enhancing process efficiencies or improving customer interactions.
  • Prepare for Challenges: Anticipate potential obstacles and develop contingency plans to avoid losing momentum.

Look at the incredible displays of resilience we saw this year at the Olympics in France. Athletes who were well behind the race leader refused to give up. They pushed through with everything they had—drawing on both physical strength and mental fortitude to turn the tide in the final moments. These competitors didn’t let the leaderboard define their outcome; they focused on finishing strong. The same principle applies in business.

The fourth quarter is your final stretch. Just like those athletes, you can evaluate where you currently stand and decide if you will settle for “average” or finish strong. Sure, it will require discipline, a high tolerance for discomfort, and an unwavering focus. But now is the time to lead with intensity. Rally your team, optimize your resources, and use the final months of the year not only to meet but exceed your goals.

It’s not easy, but those who thrive in this pressure zone are the ones who win, time and time again. This isn’t just about running your business; it’s about being a leader who refuses to coast.

Do you have what it takes to push through, harness your focus, and finish strong?

If you need support to turn your year around, don’t hesitate to check out the resources available at or contact one of our expert coaches. Let’s work together to help you finish the year stronger than you started.